Sunday, December 4, 2011

Three women held in Stockton mortgage fraud - Crime & Courts -

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Three women held in Stockton mortgage fraud - Crime & Courts -

Carlos Marroquin,

Massachusetts AG Sues Big Banks - Stocks To Watch Today -

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Massachusetts AG Sues Big Banks - Stocks To Watch Today -

Carlos Marroquin,

GMAC stops purchasing mortgage loans in Mass - Metro - The Boston Globe

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GMAC stops purchasing mortgage loans in Mass - Metro - The Boston Globe

Carlos Marroquin,

Ally Financial stops buying home loans in Massachusetts after AG files lawsuit alleging illegal foreclosures - The Washington Post

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Ally Financial stops buying home loans in Massachusetts after AG files lawsuit alleging illegal foreclosures - The Washington Post

Carlos Marroquin,

U.S. News - Foreclosed homes, empty lots are next 'Occupy' targets

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U.S. News - Foreclosed homes, empty lots are next 'Occupy' targets

Carlos Marroquin,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Carlos the mailman

Witnesses of direct foreclosure fraud, talk about Bank of America and how they're getting way with it. Tips and action solutions are presented.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Watch Paul Simon Perform 'Sound of Silence' at the 9/11 Memorial

Paul Simon was supposed to perform "Bridge Over Troubled Water" at the World Trade Center site today. He did "Sound of Silence" instead, not that we're complaining: NPR's Margot Adler called it "perhaps the most moving moment of the ceremony,"

Continue reading..Watch Paul Simon Perform 'Sound of Silence' at the 9/11 Memorial

National September 11 Memorial & Museum | World Trade Center Memorial

National September 11 Memorial & Museum | World Trade Center Memorial

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program | Stop Foreclosure - Foreclosure Help

Deadline for this program is July 27, 2011. HOmeowners at risk of foreclosure due to involuntary enemployment, underemployment or a medical conditon are encourage to apply.

How to apply...
Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program Stop Foreclosure - Foreclosure Help

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Real Estate | 'Robo-signing' of mortgage documents continues despite court cases

Lawmakers and enforcement agencies called for hearings and further investigations last week after learning that the illegal practice known as "robo-signing" has continued in the mortgage industry.

Read full article, Seattle Times:
Real Estate 'Robo-signing' of mortgage documents continues despite court cases Seattle Times Newspaper

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Officials Warn That Foreclosure Probes May Prove Inadequate - ProPublica

Since flawed foreclosure practices by the nation's banks became last fall's biggest scandal, federal bank regulators and attorney generals of all 50 States launched simultaneous investigations. But there are an increasing number of warnings that neither of those efforts have addressed the full scope of the problem.

Read on.....article by Marian WangThe ProPublica Blog

Officials Warn That Foreclosure Probes May Prove Inadequate - ProPublica

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams - Help Is Free!

Foreclosure rescue and mortgage modification scam are a growing problem. Homeowners must protect themselves so they do not lose money or their home.

Find help here in how to avoid scammers:

Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams - Help Is Free!

Monday, July 11, 2011

HUD Emergency Homeowner Loan Program (EHLP)

The Federal Gov. is providing aid to homeowners who are experiencing a drop in income of at least 15% directly resulting from involuntary unemployment or underemployment due to adverse economic conditions and/or a medical emergency.

For more info visit:

HUD Emergency Homeowner Loan Program (EHLP)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Town Hall Meeting On Court-Based Mediation For Homeowners

Town Hall Meeting On Court-Based Mediation For Homeowners
Have you paid thousands of dollars to "forclosure rescue" companies or loan modification services and gotten nothing in return?

Come learn more at:

Saturday, July 9 10:00AM
Constituent Service Center
8475 S. Vermont Ave. (corner 85th & Vermont)

In some parts of California, such as Orange County, homeowners are forcing their lenders to negatiate with them through a court based mediation program. Come find out how court mediation works, hear from experts and agencies involved in mediation programs around the country, and make a plan to advocate for mediation where you live!

For more information please call (213) 863-4548 ext. 210
Organized by the Alliance of Californians for Community empowerment (ACCE) in conjunction with the Office of the Mayor.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Protecting Consumers | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General

The new California Task Force is taking your complaints. Find information and forms to file your complaint against the abuses by the Banks, Financial Institutions, Brokers, Mortgage Companies, Loan Modifications Scams, etc.

Don't let anyone steal your home. Protect your Dream, FILE A COMPLAIN!

Protecting Consumers State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Foreclosure Crisis: The Banksters PR Machine

As the Foreclosure, Housing crisis continues and drags on, Banks maintain their PR war against the victims.  Just last week, Bank of America announced the opening of more "Help Centers" to assist homeowners with their mortgages.  We know the results of such "Help Centers", the homeowner is asked to bring all the documentation, fill out a massive paperwork and to wait for a decision on a later date.  What happens next has been broadly publicized,  Paperwork is lost, misplaced or simple rejected.  In some cases, as a matter of PR, some mortgages are only on  "Temporal Modification".   At the end of the day, the numbers don't lie, homeowners are not helped.

The Banks have enjoyed billions in bailouts from taxpayers, but like the story of the snake that was found almost dead, you took it in, help her to health and when back to life, the snake will always be a snake, it will come back to bite.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Time To File Your Complaint: The Review Of Foreclosure Practices

Recently Federal Regulators ordered Banks to review 2009-2010 Foreclosures. Possible compensations may be on the works to millions of foreclosed victims. If you are a homeowner who have suffered a questionable foreclosure during the above dates, we advice that you file your complain with your State Attorney so that you stay on record as a victim of a questionable foreclosure.  Remember, our elected officials need to hear from those who elected them to Office.  Call, write and make appointments to let them know how the Banksters have stolen from you.

  1. Local Consumer Agencies
  2. State Attorney Generals
  3. Licensing entities
  4. Banking entities
  5. Better Business Bureau
  6. Newspapers
  7. SEC Filings
  8. State Corporate Filings
  9. State and Federal Representatives
  10. Congressional Oversight Panel

Details are being worked on how they will go ahead with the reviews. Homeowners and advocates are watching developments. ProPublica is also closely watching developments, and they are also taking your stories. 

We will continue to follow this story.

Documents from the Regulators’ Review of Foreclosure Practices - ProPublica

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Navigating The Legal System Alone

Homeowners across America continue to struggle and  fight for their homes  in every City of the United States of America.   While homeowners seek for help and assistance from our Government Agencies, Representatives and Public Officials , the  Banks continue to push Citizens out of their homes without challenge and  opposition.  The Court System is broke and can not handle the wave of cases they face.

In case you don't know, Criminal cases, such as murders, rape and  battery take priority over Fraud and Illegal Evictions.  The Banksters know this very well. They enjoy the unlimited financial resources they have and pay  top dollar Attorneys to  fight homeowners and steal their homes.   This problems  are not publicized  at all.

Homeowners left to fight alone
The Obama Administration and the 50 State Attorney's General  have turned their backs on helping homeowners when it comes to "Legal Representation".  Advocates have asked that "Legal Representation" be part of settlements with Banks and so far they have closed their ears to our requests.   The banks  are full aware of this and knowing that,  they have rolled and pushed families out into the streets without challenge. 

Again, homeowners have  become victims of the system that is supposed to protect  them.   Lets not  forget,  "Homeowners pay for the  Justice System to operate and to uphold Law in this Country", yet they can not get a fair shake when it comes to Justice.

Again we ask, why tax payers have  to pay for the sins of the Banks?  Why do we have to "Bail them out"? Why are victimized Homeowners not given free Legal Assistance to have fair and equal representation when fighting their cases?

More is expected
The Hawaii State Bar Association announced today of a program allowing their young attorneys assist homeowners in their legal affairs with their homes. That is good, but not enough.

Government Agencies, Elected Officials  Attorney Generals and Bar Associations need to step up and help victimized homeowners.  We need a Legal System that is Just and Equal to all.  It's time to do  the right thing in the name of Justice.

Hawaii State Bar Association's young lawyers to hold legal clinics for public

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Voices: The American Dream ,Corruption and the Victimized Homeowners

 It´s so hard for government planners, no matter how sophisticated, to ever substitute for millions of individuals working night and day to make their dreams come true.  Ronald Reagan

"In the end, all of us are paying a price for this mortgage crisis.  And all of us will pay an even steeper price if we allow this crisis to continue to deepen...." President Obama explained.  "But if we act boldly and swiftly to arrest this downward spiral, every American will benefit."  President Obama

"Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress.  If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption.  If it be itelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the National Legislature..If the next centennial does not find us a great will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces."   James Garfield in 1877

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God"  Thomas Jefferson

Corruption is worse than prostitution.  The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire Country.  Karl Kraus

I weep for the liberty of my Country when I see at the early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of  the people have been bartered for promises of office.  Andrew Jackson

"It is not acceptable for a party who believes they submitted false court documents to merely replace those documents".  Attorney General Richard Cordray

"The mortgage services hired people who would never question authority".   Attorney Peter Ticktin, msnbc Oct. 13, 2010

"The paperwork problems range from potentially forged documents to bank employees who never read borrower's files before signing off on an eviction.."While we don't expect our review to find that consumers were harmed, we will take appropriate action if we find any impact."  JP Morgan spokesman Tom Kelly, Washington Post Sep 29, 2010

"Obviously the banks do not want to grapple with the consequences of trillions of dollars of securitized mortgages having no legal standing.."  Former Rep. Grayson

"Maybe this is like shock therapy.  Maybe this will actually get the lenders to the table and encourage them to work out deals that are to the benefit of everybody."  Economist Karl E. Case quoted in the New York Times

"The U.S. banking industry is entering a new period of crisis where operating cost are rising dramatically due to foreclosures and defaults.  We are less than 1/4 of the way through the foreclosure process."  Chris Whalen

"We are serious about getting it right.  This is our time and we know that."  A.G. Miller

"You can count on us! You can count of 50 A.G's."      A.G. Miller

"How long must the American people work second jobs to stay in our homes?  Shirley Broomfield

"The kind of fraud that got us into this crisis is intolerable."  A.G. Miller

"Everything done is done by the judge who is there to protect the rights of the borrower and lender.."  said Tew, "David Stern didn't create that problem, he is representing banks who are entitled to foreclose.  Since he is the visible person, he will get a lot of bad publicity.  There's been a huge train wreck and David is like the surgeon in  the ER, he is part of the process."  Attorney Jeffrey Tew, representing David Stern

"Negative equity holds millions of borrowers captive in their homes, unable to move or sell their properties"  Mark Fleming, Economist quoted on Huffintong Post

On proposed Banks Settlement for Illegal foreclosures"verges on extortion"  Rep. Randy Neugebauer 3/17/11 Huffington Post

"Ending HAMP now, without a meaningful alternative in place, would mean that struggling homeowners would have far fewer ways of coping with the worst housing crisis in generations"  Timothy Massad, Treasury Dept. Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability

I think all lawyers should be on contingencies.  It forces them to do the right thing.  I don't know if the hourly lawyer has the same incentives to get to the bottom line.  I think the whole world should be on a contingency basis.  If you don't cure the problem, you shouldn't be paid. 
Interview with attorney Thomas V. Girardi, Mortgage Servicing Fraud

"There is a way to modify people's loans so they can stay in their homes," A.G. Madigan said. "That requires principal reduction.  That is the only way for us to make some people be able to stay in and saave their homes." Any settlement must include restitution to those who lost their homes to fraudulent practices.  If her office must litigate, it will. Illinois  Attorney General Lisa Madigan, WGIL Radio Network 6/23/11

“This evidence has made it clear to me that the only way we can ever determine the total economic loss and the amount damage done to the taxpayers is by conducting a full forensic audit of all registry of deeds in Massachusetts. I suspect that at the end of the day we are going to find that the taxpayers have been bilked in this state alone of over 400 million dollars not including the accrued interest plus costs and penalties. The Audit makes the finding that this was not only a MERS problem, but a scheme also perpetuated by MERS shareholder banks such Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and others. I am stunned and appalled by the fact that America’s biggest banks have played fast and loose with people’s biggest asset – their homes. This is disgusting, and this is criminal”.  MA Register, John O'Brian

“It’s like giving aspirin to someone with cancer,” he said of the proposed assistance. “You had all the big players at the top of the pyramid negotiating but nobody was speaking for the homeowners who have far more at stake at the ground level.” Matthew Weidner, Florida Lawyer, N.Y. Times 7/11/11

More voices coming soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

California New Program Brings Hope To Victimized Homeowners

"Keep Your Home California" new program is a reality.  Homeowners that are facing Foreclosure or have fallen behind are encourage to Apply for aid & assistance.

Primary objectives in "Keep Your Home California" programs include:

Preserving Home ownership for low and moderate income Homeowners in California by reducing the number of delinquencies and preventing avoidable Foreclosures.

Assisting in the stabilization of California Communities.

Homeowners can also benefit from this Program in leveraging negotiations with their Mortgage Servicers.

Read more about the programs

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Foreclosure/Housing Crisis: Is America Fighting Back?

As 2011 rolled in, the Housing Devastation and Families in Crisis is taking a never seen toll. Banks have continue to hurt Families across the Nation and every single Neighborhood is taking a devastating hit. There are multiple Investigations going on by Multiple Agencies, however, People are feeling unsecured by the wavering of those investigating the Criminals. On December 14, 2010, the lead Attorney General of the 50-state foreclosure investigation, Iowa’s Tom Miller, said “We will put people in jail,” in response to questions during a meeting Tuesday with more than 100 people from 15 states representing community, faith, and labor organizations, foreclosure victims and struggling homeowners from across the country. Miller also agreed that principal reductions, loan modifications, and compensation for defrauded homeowners are necessary to clean up the mortgage mess created by the big banks. Again, Attorney General Miller had promise that those that have been harmed by the issue should be compensated.

During the State of the Union, 2011, President Obama failed to mention anything about this issue. While President Obama was expected to focus largely on jobs and U.S. economic competitiveness in his State of the Union, a Democratic senator wanted to hear the president talk about how to more strongly stem the tide of housing foreclosures across the country. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) last week wrote Obama, urging him to do so. The freshman highlighted the well-reported troubles with Obama’s existing program to combat foreclosures, and proposes a six-point plan to keep Americans from losing their homes. Ignoring the Issue will only make it worse and taking any side of the Criminals can only add to the problem. It is an issue that should be at the very front of every Politician Agenda. Yes, we are very discourage that this issue continues to be "Whitewashed" by our leaders.

Just weeks after taking the reins of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Darrell Issa is locking horns with the ranking Democrat on the committee investigating the banks' role in the foreclosure crisis. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said his attempts to make banks more accountable for the robo-signing fiasco, which led several banks to halt foreclosure actions in some states, are being stymied by Issa. "[Issa] is turning a blind eye to the alleged abuses by the mortgage service industry," Cummings told The Post through a representative. To play Partisan Politics on the issue would only bring an added anger towards the System and Politicians from every Victimized Homeowner. People want to believe that Crime does not pay and that those that are caught violating our Laws would be punished to the full extent of the very Law they violated.

Americans are watching. Our expectations are high that we will see justice for the millions of families who have lost their homes, the millions more who are at risk of foreclosure, and the neighborhoods across the country devastated by falling housing values and vacant properties as a result of widespread mortgage fraud.

"In the end, all of us are paying a price for this home mortgage crisis. And all of us will pay an even steeper price if we allow this crisis to continue to deepen," President Obama explained. "But if we act boldly and swiftly to arrest this downward spiral, every American will benefit." -
President Obama

"We're serious about getting it right. This is our chance and we know that." - AG Miller

"You can count on us! You can count on 50 AGs." - AG Miller

"How long must the American people work 2nd jobs to stay in our homes." - Shirley Broomfield

"The foreclosure process should stop while modifications begin." - AG Miller

"The kind of fraud that got us into this crisis is intolerable. " - AG Miller

"So when people misrepresent the homeowners, they lie to them, they cheat them out of their homes...." - AG Miller